Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm Back!!

Well, after my multi-month long hiatus I'm back! I feel a lot has happened since my last post about my audition in Las Vegas.

I graduated college (finally) with a B.A. in Dance and a B.S. in Psychology. My Sr. Portfolio performance at SJSU went splendidly, and pictures will be up soon on my website.

I have been enjoying life, and being able to actually live and breathe. Spending time with family, dancing because I LOVE IT without the pressure of a grade, taking walks, laying in the sun and tanning (I'm actually not super white this summer, it's pretty amazing!), scrapbooking and mixbooking like a maniac, I have a little pot garden on my patio, I've lost 15lbs since March (even if it doesn't look like it) and I feel great!!

Anyway, that is my brief update, and regular posts will resume.