Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Falling Behind

So we are beginning to fall behind on our two books "A Year With C.S. Lewis" and "The Five Love Languages". Since school started I have a lot less time in the mornings, and instead of finding myself able to wake up early and relax in the morning with my husband, I find myself waking up early (6am as opposed to early mentioned 6:45) and rushing around the apartment to find my dance stuff, pack a lunch, fix breakfast and get out the door in time to make it to my 7:30am class. As I sit here writing this I am wondering if the excuse I described above is just that....an excuse. Or if I (and my husband) have valid reasons for falling a bit behind in our morning readings and quiet time. Maybe we aren't trying hard enough?! I mean the C.S. Lewis book is pretty much a paragraph a day!!!

Unfortunately our reading and prayer-life aren't he only things that have gotten forgotten about over the past week. The apartment looks disastrous, and instead of having meals all planned out for the week like I had hoped, I find myself scrounging last minute for ideas of what to cook for dinner. Am I just a weak woman, only able to concentrate at one thing at a time? ...Curently school. Or are these valid and universal dilemmas? Anyone with advice on how to be superwoman; balancing: 20 units of school, being a wife, being a homemaker, and being a dance teacher, please share!!! Luckily I'm not stressed out yet, I'm just sad that the house is in disarray, my husband ALWAYS sees me in dance sweats, and school seems to precede spending quality time with my husband and with God. Maybe I'm just experiencing senioritis? Afterall it is my LAST semester....yeah that must be it. *sigh*


  1. Maybe you're trying to do too much?

  2. Yes to "valid and universal dilemmas." I've been exactly where you are at right now, and I still feel like I'm "there" often even though my commitments have decreased! :) Make sure you remember that LIFE is happening right now and enjoy the craziness and beauty of it!

  3. Definitely yes to valid and universal dilemmas. For sure. It's something I struggle with constantly, too, especially during the school year. I'm learning more and more, though, that those times spent with the Lord (and, for you, with your husband) are so precious and something that should be guarded jealously! Sometimes it's just a matter of prioritizing and deciding if there are some things that are "less important" (at least for now) that will free up some extra time for you to be able to be consistent in those things that are truly important. It's not always easy, to be sure! But there are rich rewards to be gained by spending time with God and keeping some semblance of "quiet time" every day.

    I'm right there struggling and learning with ya, girl!
