Friday, January 29, 2010

First Week

I just finished my last first week of undergraduate school!!! That's right I'm graduating this May. I am excited beyond words!!

I'm finishing up my B.S. in Psychology with the following:
  • Psyc 117 Test and Measures
  • Psyc 160 Clinical
  • Psyc 186 Field Work (I actually already did the work, I'm just now getting the credit)
Support for the B.S.
  • Phil 160 Philosophy of Science
  • Bio 21
And I'm finishing up my B.A. in Dance with the following:
  • Dance 140A Modern III
  • Dance 142B Jazz IV
  • Dance 194 Credit for performing
  • Dance 198 Sr. Portfolio
Oh yeah, and I'm taking a random upper division G.E.:
  • Nutrition and Health Science 135 Health in a Multicultural Society
Its my last semester and still have a pretty full plate, but I'm actually feeling pretty motivated in all of my classes. I know its my last semester, and I want to do well. I am really looking forward to growing in my dancing this last semester too, the teachers I have are great and the choreographers I am dancing for are brilliant.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Birthday!

Yesterday was my birthday...I turned twenty-old :-p Despite spending the majority of the day writing 2 papers for my winter session bio class (the last assignment of the class that just ahd to be due on my birthday), I had a good day.

I wanted Chipotle for lunch, and just for telling them it was my birthday I got a free burrito!! It was awesome!

In the middle of the day I was pleasantly surprised by a delivery of birthday flowers from my sister and her family. (Thank you Sissy!!)

Later in the evening Rob took me to play glow in the dark mini-golf and then to Dave and Busters. Both things I have been wanting to do. I had a nice fun time with my husband, and I was really glad that I didn't have school on my birthday for a change. Usually my birthday is the first day back to school, so everyone is too busy to remember your birthday, and I'm too busy to celebrate. But this year I had a nice time, my husband made sure of that. :-)

I did some celebrating earlier in the week too. On Thursday night my parents-in-law took me to a nice restaurant in Downtown Palo Alto called Pampas a place I highly recommend. It was such a fun experience!! You have to order the Rodizio!

And on Sunday I went to my parents for dinner; my mommy cooked me yummies!! There is nothing like a home cooked dinner by your's something I miss.

So yes, I had a very pleasant day. Thank you to everyone who thought of me and sent me birthday wishes.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dancing Rainbow Pasta!!!

Ok maybe not quite dancing rainbow pasta, but pretty close!

Today I danced for 3 hours at Alonzo Kings Lines Ballet at the San Francisco Dance Center. I am taking a weekend long choreography workshop with awesome choreographer Mary Carbonara. We are working a new piece of hers which will debut soon. The piece is consist of her choreography as well as some of our own, and she is piecing it all together in an interesting way. I can't wait to see the finished product tomorrow! Rumor has it that this workshop is an informal audition to perform in this piece (or join her company) when the piece makes its debut. I think it would be super awesome to get asked to dance in her piece!! Whether that happens or not though I am having a lot of fun...dancing hard, and sweating lots...its GREAT!!

On the way home from San Francisco I saw a rainbow. The picture you see here doesn't do it justice, the real thing was much more magnificent. I could actually see the the entire arch...the entire half circle. It was pretty awesome!!

For dinner my husband and I made homemade pasta. That's right, real HOMEMADE spaghetti!!!!

It was sooo much fun, and the finished product tasted absolutely amazing. it really is better than store bought. The texture is better, and its fresher, so its better...ha! We made our pasta noodles with a genuine authentic Italian pasta maker, "The Imperia".

I had fun making looooonnnng spaghetti's!!

From really insanely long lasagna noodle to beautifully perfect spaghetti noodles YAY!

We made some to have for dinner tonight, and some to dry and use during the week. My husband Rob liked our pasta so much he wants to have a weekly pasta making night on Saturdays.

I made my own sauce too (which came out pretty darn good if I do say so myself), and we sprinkled our dinner with freshly grated Parmesan cheese.

We served our delightful dinner with a nice cabernet that was given to us as a New Years gift.

Today truly was a wonderful day, filled with many of my favorite things: dancing, rainbows, my husband, and pasta!

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Precious Gift of Life

Life is so valuable, and so precious! I am in awe of the mystery and wonder of human life every time I dance, spend time with my husband, hold a baby, discover a friend is a pregnant. I am also often shocked by peoples choices made out of selfishness.

Last semester I spoke with someone who's friend was pregnant with her third baby. The woman wanted to have an abortion because she felt that her and her husband could not afford to take care of a third. She was spoken to about adoption by her friend (the person I spoke to about this) and her husband. The woman's response to adoption was that she wanted to have an abortion instead of put her baby up for adoption because she thought that after carrying the baby for nine months and then giving birth she would not be able to give the baby up, and she didn't want to put herself through that.

Earlier today another friend of mine who is starting to lead a bible study for some non-quite-yet-Christians but seeking people emailed and said that a couple he knows is pregnant and the mother wants to have an abortion. The father doesn't want her too, and instead wants her to see a counselor...she refused and scheduled an abortion for this coming week. After prayer by a group prayer warriors, I found out that she has postponed her abortion by a week and *might* see a counselor. I don't know her stance on adoption, I wish I did because I would consider adopting the baby in order to save his or her precious life.(I'll post more on this another time, and share an idea I have for starting a ministry)

In contrast to the above two stories my dear friend Genevieve posted the video that I am now posting below. A beautiful story of two selfless individuals. A husband and wife who realized that their call to parenthood was a gift. Where many would look at their situation as a bad circumstance, they looked at every single moment as a blessing. I hope and pray that my husband and I can be as good of parents as these two. I found this story incredibly inspiring, and I hope you do too! (Note: you may need some tissues)

99 Balloons from Igniter Media on Vimeo.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Fight Against the Enemy

As you may or may not know I am a dance teacher for a Christian dance studio called Grace Dance Academy . This studio is seeking to train dancers to not only be outstanding dancers, and performers, but how to also be missionaries through dance. Unlike many other Christian studios and companies, GDA wants to bring dance and the Word of God to people outside of the church, as opposed to performing at churches, for churches, to people who already know about Jesus. Currently GDA's Ensemble (an advanced group of dancers who we take to perform at various events in the community) are preparing to perform/minister this weekend at large performance concert here in the Bay Area, called "Winter Showcase". However, in the past week 3 of our dancers have gotten seriously injured; 1 broken wrist, 1 sprained ankle, and 1 bruised/ possible fractured spine.

Is it coincidence that our dancers get severely injured right before a performance where they would actually be spreading word of God's glory to those who have never heard of it? Or is it the devil trying to pursue, and attack us using the best possible attack for dancers? I think it is the latter.

Instead of giving in to the devil's attacks, we realize where our strength and grace comes from, and are turning to God in prayer and praise. The teachers of GDA will be coming together weekly to spend time together in prayer, additionally the students and families are invited and encouraged to join us, as we journey together to praise God and dance for the Glory of His kingdom.

I can not express enough to my injured students how sorry I am for their pain both physically, and emotionally from not being able to dance for a while (I understand what it's like; I've been there). But I am excited to see that the enemies attacks are backfiring on him, and that God will make the students stronger because of this, and the studio stronger too.

3 I will proclaim the name of the LORD.
Oh, praise the greatness of our God!

4 He is the Rock, his works are perfect,
and all his ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong,
upright and just is he.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Too Early

So if you read my previous post about not being lazy, you know that my husband and I have been waking up at 6:45 every morning. This is something we just started, but today 6:45am seemed too early! I know, I know... it is too early in our attempt to establish this routine to be saying that, I mean come on we JUST STARTED this schedule, I can't deviate away from it YET. Nonetheless, 6:45 was too early this morning, and I hit snooze and slept in until 7:45. Hopefully, waking up tomorrow will be easier and my 6:45am schedule will continue (going to bed nowish would probably make it happen). I think for now I am going to just blame my sleepiness on the cold, windy, rainy, weather.

Afternoon of Techniques and Evening Stirfry

So yesterday afternoon (after my biology exam) I learned a few jewelry making techniques from a dear friend of mine. She taught me how to do wire wrapping and twisting, how to make my own head pins, and how to make a bail. We also went shopping for some beads and things! She bought some materials to make herself a piece (something she has needed to do for a while, after making pretty things for other people you have to stop and make something for your self once in a while). I bought something to go with beads I already had, and I also bought materials for a entirely new piece.

I am very excited, because I am having fun making and designing jewelry, but have lacked confidence in my designing and creating skills. My friend taught me some techniques that I can now work on to perfect, and she also told me that I need to just play around and come up with my own style and personality.

When I got home, I started and finished (yes finished!!) a necklace. I think my designing skills are already improving! And I know my creating techniques are.

Here are pictures of the finished product!!!
I made the chain with silver wire, and he beads are made of Snowflake Obsidian, a semi precious stone that is volcanic glass. I even made my own bail for the pendant!!

In addition to Jewelry making, my husband and I had another wonderful dinner! Here is the link to the recipe:
We used yaki soba noodles, added broccoli, and forgot to add the jicama. It was DELICIOUS!!!

And just to let you all know, MY HUSBAND DID THE COOKING!!! Yes, that's right folks, my husband cook occasionally and it's wonderful and yummy. I'm such a lucky wife!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Portabella Mushroom Burgers

Ok so last night I made these burgers for dinner, and it was quite yummy. It was a portabella mushroom cap brushed with a marinade grilled, and topped with melted swiss cheese and a grilled roasted red pepper (along with produce). I thought I would Share the recipe!

*Note: I was confused that the word "portabella" was not recognized as a word by bloggers spell check. I began to wonder if it was spelled "portobella" or "portobello". According to the Mushroom Council I am corret in my spelling of "portabella" so we will go with that.

Portabella Mushroom Burgers
2 servings
marinade (recipe below)
2 large portabella mushroom caps
jar of roasted red peppers
swiss cheese

For marinade:
2 Tablespoons of balsamic vinger
2 Tablespoons of olive oil
sprinkle of sage
sprinkle of basil
sprinkle of pepper
sprinkle of steak seasoning
1/2 teaspoon of mustard (deli works really but I used regular yellow last night)

Mix the marinade. Brush the mushroom caps top and bottom with marinade, and place on grill (normal grill, george forman, cuisinart, etc.). After about 3 to 4 mins, turn mushroom caps over, and brush with whatever marinade is remaining. Grill for another 3 to 4 mins. Now place a roasted red pepper on each mushroom cap, and grill for about 2 minutes. Now place the slices of swiss cheese on top of the mushroom/roasted red pepper. This time don't put the top of the grill down (if you are using a george forman or cuisinart) but lower it enough so that the heat of it can melt the cheese. Grill until cheese starts to melt.

Spread mayo on bun, in my case I used slices of homemade garlic cheese bread which was overwhelmingly delicious (I'll post the recipe for that too). Place your mushroom/red pepper/swiss cheese onto the bread, top with lettuce and tomato. ENJOY!!

Garlic Cheese Bread (for a bread maker)
Water 1 and 1/3 cups + 1 Tablespoon
Salt 1 teaspoon
Sugar 2 Tablespoons
Sharp Cheddar Cheese, shredded 1 cup
garlic 1 bulb, take each clove and cut the woody end off and then slice each clove in half lengthwise
Bread Flour 4 cups
Bread Machine Yeast 4 and 1/2 teaspoons

Place in bread maker in order as listed, and put bread maker on "Fast Bake" setting.

(If you don't have a bread maker, I am pretty sure you could mix everything together, and then let it rise for 30 minutes and then bake it for about 30 minutes, I haven't tried it with this recipe but I don't see why it wouldn't work)

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's not even 6pm yet!?

Well,'s not even 6pm yet and I feel like I have done 2 days worth of stuff!! Waking up early is empowering!

I watched documentaries, and read chapters in a book for my class (that I happen to have an exam in tomorrow).

I created a 50th Wedding Anniversary invitation for my Mom and Dad to use. I used Illustrator and iPhoto to create it. The invitation looks pretty nice if I do say so myself, plus it is simple but personal like them, providing the invitee with the mere details and a wedding picture from...well....50 years ago! (I blurred out the details to ensure no "Anniversary Crashers" :-p)
I also made a necklace that I am rather proud of. It took quite a while to make, and although there were probably other things that "needed" to be done I am glad that I spent the time today to start and finish this piece. (I however really need actual jewelry display to display my pieces for photography, my black wool coat doesn't quite cut it)
So far a very fun and productive day, despite the cold, rain and wind. What else can I fit into the rest of the day?!?

Being NOT Lazy

So my husband and I have never been morning people, but we are beginning to feel like this aversion to mornings is leading to lazy behavior. In order to become more active individuals and couple we are have set up some new parameters or guidelines for living.

  • We are going to start waking up at 6:45am everyday. This sounds ungodly, but so far we have done it 2 days in a row, and the feeling of having 2 days in one is phenomenal!!

  • We are going to eat breakfast together every morning (what a concept). This will hopefully make us healthier people, and it also allows us to spend time together in the mornings before we start our separate busy days.

  • My husband is going to start going to the gym 3 days a week, and I'm going to be taking a dance class at least once every week day.

  • We are going to start planning out our meals for the week together every Sunday. I personally think this will not only eliminate the "what should we have for dinner?" dilemma but also enable us to purchase and use only what need, as opposed to getting food items we don't need and that consequentially go bad before they are finished.

  • We are also reading two books together! One in the morning during or after breakfast, "A Year with C.S. Lewis Daily Readings from His Classic Works" and one before we go to bed "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman.

  • We are also both being a little more dedicated to technological means of communication, in my husbands case his use of Twitter, and in my case this blog (I already use twitter and facebook. I guess I am a "TwitFaceBlogger"? hmmm).
We think that these plans will contribute to a more active lifestyle physically, emotionally, and spiritually for us as individuals and as a husband and wife unit.

The Great Start

So I have tried doing diaries, prayer journals, food/diet records, and I fail at keeping them up. However, I am pretty much addicted to facebook, so I figure if I can be that addicted to keeping track of friends, I must be able to keep up something a little more complex like a blog.

I plan on blogging about recipes, art and craft projects, work related opportunities, things I am learning in my marriage, and things I am learning about God.

I really think this will be a good outlet for me to speak out through, and knowing that someone might read it or understand what I say helps me feel that there is meaning to this all instead of it being a pointless diary or daily accounts of boring tasks.

So here it goes.......