Friday, January 22, 2010

The Precious Gift of Life

Life is so valuable, and so precious! I am in awe of the mystery and wonder of human life every time I dance, spend time with my husband, hold a baby, discover a friend is a pregnant. I am also often shocked by peoples choices made out of selfishness.

Last semester I spoke with someone who's friend was pregnant with her third baby. The woman wanted to have an abortion because she felt that her and her husband could not afford to take care of a third. She was spoken to about adoption by her friend (the person I spoke to about this) and her husband. The woman's response to adoption was that she wanted to have an abortion instead of put her baby up for adoption because she thought that after carrying the baby for nine months and then giving birth she would not be able to give the baby up, and she didn't want to put herself through that.

Earlier today another friend of mine who is starting to lead a bible study for some non-quite-yet-Christians but seeking people emailed and said that a couple he knows is pregnant and the mother wants to have an abortion. The father doesn't want her too, and instead wants her to see a counselor...she refused and scheduled an abortion for this coming week. After prayer by a group prayer warriors, I found out that she has postponed her abortion by a week and *might* see a counselor. I don't know her stance on adoption, I wish I did because I would consider adopting the baby in order to save his or her precious life.(I'll post more on this another time, and share an idea I have for starting a ministry)

In contrast to the above two stories my dear friend Genevieve posted the video that I am now posting below. A beautiful story of two selfless individuals. A husband and wife who realized that their call to parenthood was a gift. Where many would look at their situation as a bad circumstance, they looked at every single moment as a blessing. I hope and pray that my husband and I can be as good of parents as these two. I found this story incredibly inspiring, and I hope you do too! (Note: you may need some tissues)

99 Balloons from Igniter Media on Vimeo.

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