Monday, January 18, 2010

Being NOT Lazy

So my husband and I have never been morning people, but we are beginning to feel like this aversion to mornings is leading to lazy behavior. In order to become more active individuals and couple we are have set up some new parameters or guidelines for living.

  • We are going to start waking up at 6:45am everyday. This sounds ungodly, but so far we have done it 2 days in a row, and the feeling of having 2 days in one is phenomenal!!

  • We are going to eat breakfast together every morning (what a concept). This will hopefully make us healthier people, and it also allows us to spend time together in the mornings before we start our separate busy days.

  • My husband is going to start going to the gym 3 days a week, and I'm going to be taking a dance class at least once every week day.

  • We are going to start planning out our meals for the week together every Sunday. I personally think this will not only eliminate the "what should we have for dinner?" dilemma but also enable us to purchase and use only what need, as opposed to getting food items we don't need and that consequentially go bad before they are finished.

  • We are also reading two books together! One in the morning during or after breakfast, "A Year with C.S. Lewis Daily Readings from His Classic Works" and one before we go to bed "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman.

  • We are also both being a little more dedicated to technological means of communication, in my husbands case his use of Twitter, and in my case this blog (I already use twitter and facebook. I guess I am a "TwitFaceBlogger"? hmmm).
We think that these plans will contribute to a more active lifestyle physically, emotionally, and spiritually for us as individuals and as a husband and wife unit.


  1. Go honey! you can do it! I've been doing more Faicbook too :P

  2. Go Lanie! :D I love your new resolutions.

    I know some really great blogs, mostly about crafts, that you can read if you need inspiration. :)

  3. Bravo, you two! It's amazing what a jump-start on the day can do. =)

    I'm so tickled to see you blogging!!! Were you telling me about this last week, and I was just totally oblivious?? Or how have I not known you were doing this???!!

    <3 you!

  4. Hooray for me!!...or something!

    Kelley, thank you.

    Genevieve, I tried starting this in July, and then got re-inspired on a much more serious and possibly obsessive way after watching Julie and :-p So I guess in some indirect way you are responsible for this?

  5. I'll be curious to see what you think of "A Year with C.S. Lewis". Quinn and I bought it and started it, but the snippets were so short we always felt like we didn't entirely "get" what Lewis was trying to develop in the larger context.

  6. Oh yay! I'm so glad you watched it. And now I do feel indirectly responsible, which makes me happy. ::grin::

    So... I think you should post what you thought of Julie & Julia! Because I'm curious what your thoughts were. =D
