Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dancing Rainbow Pasta!!!

Ok maybe not quite dancing rainbow pasta, but pretty close!

Today I danced for 3 hours at Alonzo Kings Lines Ballet at the San Francisco Dance Center. I am taking a weekend long choreography workshop with awesome choreographer Mary Carbonara. We are working a new piece of hers which will debut soon. The piece is consist of her choreography as well as some of our own, and she is piecing it all together in an interesting way. I can't wait to see the finished product tomorrow! Rumor has it that this workshop is an informal audition to perform in this piece (or join her company) when the piece makes its debut. I think it would be super awesome to get asked to dance in her piece!! Whether that happens or not though I am having a lot of fun...dancing hard, and sweating lots...its GREAT!!

On the way home from San Francisco I saw a rainbow. The picture you see here doesn't do it justice, the real thing was much more magnificent. I could actually see the the entire arch...the entire half circle. It was pretty awesome!!

For dinner my husband and I made homemade pasta. That's right, real HOMEMADE spaghetti!!!!

It was sooo much fun, and the finished product tasted absolutely amazing. it really is better than store bought. The texture is better, and its fresher, so its better...ha! We made our pasta noodles with a genuine authentic Italian pasta maker, "The Imperia".

I had fun making looooonnnng spaghetti's!!

From really insanely long lasagna noodle to beautifully perfect spaghetti noodles YAY!

We made some to have for dinner tonight, and some to dry and use during the week. My husband Rob liked our pasta so much he wants to have a weekly pasta making night on Saturdays.

I made my own sauce too (which came out pretty darn good if I do say so myself), and we sprinkled our dinner with freshly grated Parmesan cheese.

We served our delightful dinner with a nice cabernet that was given to us as a New Years gift.

Today truly was a wonderful day, filled with many of my favorite things: dancing, rainbows, my husband, and pasta!

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