Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Fight Against the Enemy

As you may or may not know I am a dance teacher for a Christian dance studio called Grace Dance Academy . This studio is seeking to train dancers to not only be outstanding dancers, and performers, but how to also be missionaries through dance. Unlike many other Christian studios and companies, GDA wants to bring dance and the Word of God to people outside of the church, as opposed to performing at churches, for churches, to people who already know about Jesus. Currently GDA's Ensemble (an advanced group of dancers who we take to perform at various events in the community) are preparing to perform/minister this weekend at large performance concert here in the Bay Area, called "Winter Showcase". However, in the past week 3 of our dancers have gotten seriously injured; 1 broken wrist, 1 sprained ankle, and 1 bruised/ possible fractured spine.

Is it coincidence that our dancers get severely injured right before a performance where they would actually be spreading word of God's glory to those who have never heard of it? Or is it the devil trying to pursue, and attack us using the best possible attack for dancers? I think it is the latter.

Instead of giving in to the devil's attacks, we realize where our strength and grace comes from, and are turning to God in prayer and praise. The teachers of GDA will be coming together weekly to spend time together in prayer, additionally the students and families are invited and encouraged to join us, as we journey together to praise God and dance for the Glory of His kingdom.

I can not express enough to my injured students how sorry I am for their pain both physically, and emotionally from not being able to dance for a while (I understand what it's like; I've been there). But I am excited to see that the enemies attacks are backfiring on him, and that God will make the students stronger because of this, and the studio stronger too.

3 I will proclaim the name of the LORD.
Oh, praise the greatness of our God!

4 He is the Rock, his works are perfect,
and all his ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong,
upright and just is he.

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